Sustainability, Innovation and Frugality
As a small business deeply rooted in our local community, we care about the environment and sustainability. Going beyond trite “green” marketing declarations and actually affecting change is not simple, especially for a small business.
We believe that sustainability and care for the environment are the result of innovation; but they need to make sense and combine good design, economy and function. Frugality is good for the environment!
Back in 2003 we developed the mark “greenlabel®”, and were the first to introduce xylene-free industrial markers. Much of the industry followed a few years later.
In 2008 we came up with W20 and Dr. Paint, water based acrylic markers with excellent performance, low VOC, and some recyclable components.
We constantly review our product line to improve packaging sustainability and use recycled/recyclable components wherever possible. Stay tuned for new developments. If you have any suggestions, drop us a line.
Meanwhile, consider these simple recommendations, and make a difference today:
- Consider using the U-Holder™: it will prevent markers from drying out, save time and improve performance.
- If you mark electric wire, consider the U-Phase® Wire Marker: much lighter environmental impact than PVC tape (and faster to use)
- Use markers with a larger paint supply, the A20 for example: 30% more paint than ordinary paint markers, 30% less waste.
- When a tip is worn out, don’t throw the marker away: use replacement tips. You can extend the life of markers at a fraction of the cost.